Manuela Palacios González. 2024. Cartaz book club Barcelona, Escola Oficial de Idiomas de Santiago de Compostela, 26 November.
Alonso Alonso, María. 2024. “Suxeitos abxectos: o concepto de retorno en Migrantas, a nova diáspora galega contada por mulleres” at the Seminario Os retornos da emigración galega: unha ollada multidisciplinar. Consello da Cultura Galega, 10 October 2024.
Dylan Brennan. 2024. Posthumanist Intimations II. “Tamaulipas Amergin: The Poetics of Cross-Pollination”, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 12 September.
Barbour, Catherine. 2024. I Congreso Internacional Feminismos e Humor: HUMOR-SOFÍAS, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, “Killjoys divertidas: Humor e venganza no audiovisual galego feminista”, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 7-8 May.
Alonso Alonso, María & Manuela Palacios González. 2024. Programa de Mestrado e Doutoramento do Departamento de Estudos Cássicos, Universidad de Lisboa, “Interseccións posthumanas nas literaturas galega e irlandesa: unha primeira achega ao proxecto, Lisbon (Portugal), 8 April.
Alonso Alonso, María. 2024. Jornada Literatura de emigración, Cátedra Iberoamericana de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, “A nova diáspora galega contada por mulleres: unha achega dende a literatura”, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 24 April.
Veiga, Martín. 2024. 2024 AHGBI Annual Conference, University of Birgmingham, “Creative Practice and/as Research: Ecocritical Discourses in Poetry and Translation”, Birmingham (UK), 25 March.
Terrazas Gallego, Melania. 2024. The Challenges and Consequences of Cultural Misunderstanding: Linguistic, Legal and Translational Perspectives, Universidad Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, “How to avoid cultural misunderstanding: the Spanish translation of Marina Carr’s By the Bog of Cats”, Valenciennes (France), 14-16 March.
Veiga, Martín. 2024. Seminar The Animal in Ireland, Real and Imagined, University of Würzburg, “Nonhuman Animals and the Posthuman Restitution of Contemporary Irish and Galician Poetry”, Würzburgh (Germany), 21-23 February.
María Alonso Alonso (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), clube de lectura “Posthumanismo e ciencia ficción erótica en lingua galega”, 4th April 2024 at Escola Oficial de Idiomas de Vigo.
Maureen O’Connor (University College Cork), “Haunted Nature in the Fiction of Edna O’Brien”, 30 November 2023, guest lecture at the University of Würzburgh.
Stephanie Schwerter (University of Hauts-de-France) “Translating at ethnic and ethno-religious intersections: a British and Irish gendered perspective”. 23 November 2023, within the Posthuman Intersections in Irish and Galician Literatures: International Seminar Series 2023, University of La Rioja.
Melania Terrazas (University of La Rioja), “Challenged Borders and Unmapped Intersections in Evelyn Conlon’s Moving About the Place“, 19 October 2023, guest lecture at Maynooth University.
Brais González Arribas (University of Vigo), “Posthumanismo filosófico: de la crítica a la subjetividad canónica a la transhumanidad“, 10 October 2023, guest lecture at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Monica Pearl (University of Manchester), “Intersections of Race, Sexuality, and Film Archives in The Watermelon Woman (1996)“, 28 September 2023, guest lecture at the University of La Rioja.
Dairena Ní Chinnéide, “Posthumanist Intimations. Landscape, Language and Identity“, 25 September 2023, guest lecture at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Grace Wells and Keith Payne, “Irish Ecopoetry in Postcolonial Times”, 19 September 2022.
Małgorzata Kowalcze (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), “We are of the World: Introduction to Posthumanism”, 20 November 2021
Lorna Shaughnessy (NUIG), “Witness Trees: Postcolonial Landscapes in Irish Poetry”, 27 September 2021
Margarita Carretero González (Universidad de Granada; Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics), “Más allá de las fábulas: los otros animales en los estudios literarios” ,14 May 2021.
Workshop ‘The Animal Trope: On Literary and Empirical Animals’. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 16 September 2019
Roman Bartosch (University of Cologne), “Teaching Animals”, 7 May 2019.
Juan Ignacio Oliva (Universidad de la Laguna), ““Environmental Humanities & the New Materiality of Borders”, 8 April 2019.
Keith Payne, “Strange Boat: Staying afloat in English Ireland”. 26 November 2018.
Angélica Velasco Sesma (Universidad de Valladolid), “Mujeres, animales y naturaleza. Hacia un ética ecofeminista de la virtud”. 29 October 2018.
Maureen O’Connor (University College Cork), “Ecofeminists and Other Animals: Tim Robinson’s Non-Human Ethics”. 19 March 2018.
Grace Wells. ‘Culture versus Nature – the Root of Ecopoetics – When Education Threatens Wildness,’ Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 10 October 2017.
Annemarie Ní Churreáin, “Where One Starts From: Home & the Art of Belonging”. 10 October 2016.
Eveleyn Conlon, Lecture and reading at Universidade de Vigo. 29 November 2012.
Mary O’Donnell, Lecture and Reading at Universidade de Vigo. 22 October 2012.
VIII International Seminar on Halloween’s Day (Irish Itinerary 2024 EFACIS): Posthuman Intersections in Irish Literatures, Universidad de La Rioja, Centre of Irish Studies Banna/Bond (España), 28-29 October, organised by Melania Terrazas Gallego.
The Animal in Ireland, Real and Imagined, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 21-23 February 2024, co-organised by Maureen O’Connor.
Conference (De)Writing the Borderland: Human and Non-Human Liminal Identities. Organised by the projects “Intersections” (FEM2017, 83084P, FEDER), “The Animal Trope” (PGC2018-093545-B-I00, MCIU, AEI, FEDER, UE), New Migratory Cartographies (PID2019-109582GB-100 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and Narratives of the New Diasporas (Xunta de Galicia). University of Santiago de Compostela, 13-15 January 2022.
Seminar Zoe: Literatura, Ecofeminismo e Configuracións Animais. University of Santiago de Compostela, 13 November 2020.
Seminar “The Animal Trope: an Ecofeminists Approach” (Margarita Estévez Saá, Laura Lojo, & Manuela Palacios coords). 29 October 2018.
XVII International AEDEI Conference: ‘Eco-Fictions & Irish Studies’, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. 31 May – 1 June 2018
Symposium ‘Galician Interdisciplinary Studies’, University of Edimburgh, 8 March 2018.
Symposium ‘”Post-Ige”: A cultura despois do barco’,Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 14 November 2017.
Symposium ‘Eco-Críticas: Palabras e Imaxes’, held at Casa das Campás, Pontevedra, 9 November 2017. [full programme]
International Seminar ‘Eco-Fictions II’, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 9 October 2017.
Conference ‘Identities in Transition’ (16-17/06/2017) Univ. St Andrews, U.K. Colab. USC, UVigo, Xunta de Galicia.
Symposium ‘Ecocritical Encounters: Women and Nature in Galician and Irish Cultural Production’, University College Cork. 3-4 May 2017.
International Seminar ‘Eco-Fictions’, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela . 15 December 2016.
Seminar ‘Irish Studies in Galicia’, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. 8 June 2016.
- Palacios González, Manuela (entrevistada) & María Alonso Alonso (entrevistadora). 2024. Us & Them: Women Writers’ Discourses on Foreignness en el XIV Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos, Universidad de Minho (Braga, Portugal), 17-20 abril: https://cehum.elach.uminho.pt/xiv_ciaieg#programme
- Launch of “A Different Eden”. Eds. Keith Payne, Lorna Shaughnessy and Martín Veiga. Dublin: Dedalus Press, 2021. Faculty of Philology (USC) and Libraría Numax, Santiago de Compostela, 4 December 2021.
- Launch of Six Galician Poets at Libraría Chan da Pólvora, Santiago de Compostela, 18 May 2017.
- Launch of Six Galician Poets at Biblioteca de EMAO Escola de Artes e Oficios, Universidade de Vigo, 10 March 2017.
- Máighréad Medbh poetry reading at Universidade de Vigo, 8 November 2011.
- Launch of To the Winds Our Sails and poetry reading at Libraría Couceiro, Santiago de Compostela, 1 October, 2010.