Conference Papers


Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Projections of a Posthumanist World of Affects in Irish Women’s Fiction”, VIII International Seminar on Halloween: Posthuman Intersections in Irish Literatures, Universidad de La Rioja (España), 28 de octubre.

Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús. “Post-Human Intersections in Northern Irish Literature: Medbh McGuckian”, VIII International Seminar on Halloween: Posthuman Intersections in Irish Literatures, Universidad de La Rioja (España), 28 de octubre.

Nogueira Pereira, María Xesús. “Distopía y transhumanismo en la narrativa gallega: Coidadora, de María Marco”, X Simposio Internacional de Hispanistas “Encuentros 2024”, Universidad de Gdansk (Polonia), 25-27 de septiembre.

González Arribas, Brais. “Posthumanismo (feminista) queer y crítica al petrosexorracismo en Paul B. Preciado”, X Simposio Internacional de Hispanistas “Encuentros 2024”, Universidad de Gdansk (Polonia), 25-27 de septiembre.

Estévez Saá, Margarita. “Projections of a Posthumanist World of Affects in Irish Women’s Fiction”, VIII International Seminar on Halloween’s Day (Irish Itinerary 2024 EFACIS): Posthuman Intersections in Irish Literatures, Universidad de La Rioja, Centre of Irish Studies Banna/Bond (España), 28-29 octubre.

Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús. “Posthuman Intersections in Northern Irish Literature: Medbh McGuckian”, VIII International Seminar on Halloween’s Day (Irish Itinerary 2024 EFACIS): Posthuman Intersections in Irish Literatures, Universidad de La Rioja, Centre of Irish Studies Banna/Bond (España), 28-29 octubre.

Lorenzo Modia. María Jesús. “Medbh McGuckians Poetry as a Tribute to Prior Women Writers”, 47th AEDEAN Conference, Universidad de Pablo de Olavide (España), 6-8 de noviembre.

Egea-Castañeda, Samuel. “Posthuman Water Assemblages in Fashion: Alexander McQueen’s Plato’s Atlantis”, 47th AEDEAN Conference, Universidad de Pablo de Olavide (España), 6-8 de noviembre.

Alonso Alonso, María. “Global Nomadism and Climate Fictions: A Posthuman Approach to John Lanchester’s The Wall”, 17th ESSE Conference – Beyond Borders. Contemporary Novels of Migration. Universidad de Lausanne (Suiza), 26-30 agosto:

Terrazas Gallego, Melania. “The Aftermath of Affirmative Action: The Posthuman Documentary” 2024 Conference for the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL). Gakushuin University Tokyo (Japón), 5-9 agosto:

Veiga, Martín. “Empathetic Posthumanism, Interspecies Solidarity and Restitution in Contemporary Irish and Galician Poetry”, International Seminar “Posthuman Intersections”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 11 julio.

Terrazas Gallego, Melania. “The Posthuman in Fake Documentaries: A Case Study”, International Seminar “Posthuman Intersections”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 11 julio.

Acuña, Ana. “Presenza do híbrido humanimal na literature galega. Lobisomes e lobismulleres”, International Seminar “Posthuman Intersections”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 11 julio.

González Arribas, Brais. “La subjetividad del futuro: O’Connell y el transhumanismo”, International Seminar “Posthuman Intersections”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 11 julio.

Egea-Castañeda, Samuel. “Fashioning the Posthuman Subject through Alexander McQueen’s The Horn of Plenty”, International Seminar “Posthuman Intersections”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 11 julio.

Barbour, Catherine. “Masculinidades posthumanas na novela negra galega”, International Seminar “Posthuman Intersections”, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 11 julio.

Alonso Alonso, María. “The Most Brutal of All Journeys: A Posthuman Approach to Jenny Torres Sanchez’s We Are Not From Here”, XIII International Conference on Chicano Literature and Latino Studies. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España), 12-14 junio:

Palacios González, Manuela. “Inspiring Others in Contemporary Irish and Iberian Galician Short Fiction”, eTEXTS 14: Literary and Cultural Studies Conference. Universidad de Lublin (Polonia), 3 junio.

Estévez Saá, Margarita. “From James Joyce’s Ulysses to Mary Costello’s The River Capture: Protean Creatures in Watery Worlds”, 33 Jornadas de James Joyce: A Century of James Joyce, Past and Present Modernist Assemblages. Universidad de Málaga, 9-10 mayo.

Veiga, Martín. “Translating Tales of Transformation: A Contemporary Selkie Legend in Galician”, Translation Studies Network of Ireland, Universidad de Galway (Irlanda), 25-26 abril.

Barbour, Catherine. “Feminismo posthumanista no noir galego: unha ollada crítica ás novellas de Arantza Portabales”, XIV Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos, Universidad de Minho (Braga, Portugal), 17-20 abril:

Nogueira Pereira, María Xesús. “Perder a forma humana. A escritura simbiótica e a mirada posthumana en Curiosidade, de Estíbaliz Espinosa”, XIV Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos, Universidad de Minho (Braga, Portugal), 17-20 abril:

Acuña, Ana. “Manexando o caos: posibilidades de resistencia na cultura posthumana e activismo literario I”, XIV Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos, Universidad de Minho (Braga, Portugal), 17-20 abril:

Rodríguez, Olivia. “Manexando o caos: posibilidades de resistencia na cultura posthumana e activismo literario II, XIV Congreso da Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos, Universidad de Minho (Braga, Portugal), 17-20 abril:

Veiga, Martín. “Thinking Poetry Ecocritically”, Activism, Climate Action and Interdisciplinary Environmental Knowledge-Making Simposium, University College Cork (Irlanda), 9 abril.

Alonso Alonso, María. “(Post)Human Corporality in Galician Literature: An Analysis of Nee Barros’s Works”, 2024 AHGBI Annual Conference. Universidad de Birmingham (Reino Unido), 25-28 marzo:

Barbour, Catherine. “Greying Galician Narcos: Screening Masculinity and Aging in Vivir sin permiso”, 2024 AHGBI Annual Conference. Universidad de Birmingham (Reino Unido), 25-28 marzo:

Veiga, Martín. “Galician Poetry and the Chronotopic Imagination”, Uncharted Territories: Contemporary Ecopoetics in/and Translation. University College Cork (Irlanda), 1-2 febrero.

Barbour, Catherine. “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Galician Migration”, Modern Language Association Convention. Philadelphia (EE.UU.), 4-8 enero.


Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “A Hostile Landscape: A Posthuman Approach to the Representation of Brexit through Short Fiction”, ENSFR Annual Conference – Short Fiction: Landscape and Temporality. Universidad de Manchester (Reino Unido), 23-25 octubre:

Barbour, Catherine. 2023. “Visualizing Aging Masculinities in Vivir sin permiso (2018-2020) and Quien a hierro mata (2019)”, IV Simposio Norteamericano de Estudos Galegos, Lubbock (Texas, EE.UU.), 19-22 octubre.

Alonso Alonso, María. 2023. “Exofonía e a nova diáspora galega: consideracións arredor da novela The Outcast Child de Jacobo Priegue”, 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies. Universidad de Porto (Portugal), 6-8 septiembre:



Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Lobos, lobishomes e seres afíns” Xornada Lob@s Natureza-Cultura. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15 October 2021.

Alonso Alonso, María. “A ficción especulativa, a natureza humana e non humana, e o seu potencial creativo”. Invited speaker at the Ucronías, Utopías, Distopías. Pasados alternativos, presentes paralelos, futuros imaginarios conference, University of Warsaw, 12-13 April 2021.

Alonso Alonso, María. “La figura de la lougarou en el relato ‘Nineteen Thirty-Seven’, de Edwidge Danticat”. Configuraciones del lobo seminar, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15 de octubre de 2021.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Post Celtic Tiger Literature: Back to the Irish Countryside” Speculative Art and Spatial Justice: How can Imaginative Practices Create Fairer and Safer Spaces. Online. National University of Ireland, Moore Institute, Galway, Ireland. 16, 17 April 2021

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “From Alice Taylor to John Connell: Silenced Stories about Rural Ireland”. 19th International AEDEI Conference “Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society”. Online, Univ. Vigo – AEDEI, U. Vigo. 27, 28 Mayo 2021

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Post Celtic Tiger Literature (II): Back to the West of Ireland”. IASIL 2021 “Creative Borders” Univ. Of Lodz, Poland. 19-23 July 2021

Nogueira, María Xesús. Encontro investigador sobre poesia galega atual. Facultade de Filoloxía da Universidade da Coruña, 17 de xullo de 2021.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “Por elección. Xela Arias e as marxes”. Literatura nas marxes. A creación do canon. Santiago de Compostela, 16-18 de marzo de 2021.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “Un problema de palabras. A poética de Xela Arias”. Simposio Xela Arias. A Coruña, Real Academia Galega, 18 de novembro de 2021.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “Tradución, poesía e xénero na literatura galega”. Xornadas á volta da tradución. Facultade de Filoloxía, 24 de novembro de 2021.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “A soidade xeracional de Xela Arias”. Celebración de Xela Arias, 2021.

Palacios González, Manuela.  “Translation and Gender: Some Ecocritical Considerations”. 7th IATIS Conference. The Cultural Ecology of Translation (on-site and online), Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, 14-17 September 2021.

 Palacios González, Manuela.  Coordination of panel “Translation, Gender, Ecology”. 7th IATIS Conference. The Cultural Ecology of Translation (on-site and online), Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, 14-17 September 2021.

 Palacios González, Manuela.  “Violence against Women and Animals in Contemporary Galician and Irish Poetry”. Green Hispanisms: An International Conference(online), Swansea University, 6-8 July 2021.

Palacios González, Manuela.  “Surprised in Silence: The Woman-Animal Encounter in Contemporary Irish Poetry”. 19th AEDEI Conference (online), Universidade de Vigo, 27-28 May 2021. 

Palacios González, Manuela.  “A investigación sobre as relacións literario-culturais entre Irlanda e Galicia”. Encontro investigador “Poesía galega actual”, Universidade da Coruña, 18 May 2021.

Palacios González, Manuela.  “Florecer más allá del jardín: Poéticas de la tierra en lenguas vernáculas”. Entrevista a las poetas Olga Novo (Galicia) y Natalia Toledo (México). Paris ne finit jamais (online), Instituto Cervantes, Paris, 6 May 2021

Palacios González, Manuela.  “Anomalous Encounters: ‘Humanimal’ Spaces in Contemporary Ecopoetry by Irish Women Writers”. Speculative Art and Spatial Justice, National University of Ireland, 16-17 April 2021.

Roldán Romero, Vanesa. “’Irishness’ and the Equine Animal in Anne McCaffrey’s The Lady: A Novel.” 44th AEDEAN CONFERENCE 2021, U. De Cantabria, 24-26 noviembre 2021.

Roldán Romero, Vanesa.“‘Irishness and Gender in Anne McCaffrey’s The Lady.” New Voices in English Studies: 7th ASYRAS Conference, Universidad de Málaga, 17-18 junio 2021.

Roldán Romero, Vanesa.“Transhumanism and the Chthulucene in Becky Chambers’ A Common and Closed Orbit.” Research in Anglo-American Literature, Culture and Linguistics Conference for Postgraduate and Early-Career Scholars Conference, Universidad de Valladolid, 27-28 mayo 2021

 Vega, Rexina. “Lobos, Lobishomes e seres afíns: rastros literarios na literatura galega”.  Lob@s. Natureza-Cultura. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, MS Teams, 15 October 2021.


Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Prácticas violentas sobre os animais en tempos de guerra”. Congreso internacional Lingua e violencia: mediacións literarias na era do antropoceno/Language and Violence: Literary Mediations in the Age of the Anthropocene. Universidade de Vigo, 16-17 de xaneiro de 2020.

Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Estudos animais na literatura galega”. Seminario Zoe. Literatura, ecofeminismo e configuracións animais. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 13 de novembro de 2020.

Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Corpos, territorios e resistencias. O traballo das mulleres no mar. Unha visión ecocrítica”. Simposio A cultura do marisqueo na ría de Muros e Noia, 27 de novembro de 2020.

Alonso Alonso, María. “O tropo animal en Anima, de Wajdi Mouawad, e en Venus as a Bear, de Vahni Capildeo”. Zoe: Literatura, ecofeminismo e configuración animais seminar, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 13 noviembre 2020.

Alonso Alonso, María. “La mirada animal y las cicatrices de la memoria en Anima, de Wajdi Mouawad”. IV Seminario Tenerife Noir, Universidad de La Laguna, 25-27 de noviembre de 2020.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “Simples e tolas. Aproximación á discapacidade e á violencia na poesía galega”. Congreso internacional ‘Lingua e violencia. Mediacións literarias na época do antropoceno’. Universidade de Vigo, xaneiro de 2020.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “Papagaio, de Maribel Logueira y Luisa Villalta. Crónica fotográfico-poética de la transformación de un Barrio”. IX Jornadas internacionales Arte y Ciudad. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 21-23 de octubre de 2020.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “Estudos animais na literatura galega”. Zoe: Literatura, ecofeminismo e configuracións animais. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 13 de novembro de 2020.

Palacios González, Manuela.  “La espectacularización de mujeres y animales en la poesía actual de Galicia e Irlanda”. XI Congreso Internacional AUDEM, Universidad de Sevilla (online), 28-30 October 2020.

Palacios González, Manuela.  “The Psychological Condition of Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill’s Mermaids”. Language and Violence: Literary Mediations in the Age of the Anthropocene, Universidade de Vigo, 16-17 January 2020.


Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Desposesión da terra e da identidade. As migracións de hoxe. A emigración galega no século XXI”. In “Parlamento de escritoras/es. Identidade e dereitos civís”. 16/03/2019.

Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Discursos sobre a desposesión do espazo agrario na literatura galega. Un achegamento” en Congreso Internacional «A época do espazo. Estado e novas perspectivas». Santiago de Compostela, 08-10/04/2019.

Alonso Alonso, María. “Ecological Intersections in Contemporary Postcolonial Short Fiction”. “Borders, Intersections and Identity in the Contemporary Short Story in English”. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 23-24/05/2019.

Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Transfusión oceánica. O tropo animal no movemento cultural arredor da obra de Urbano Lugrís”. In “The Animal Trope: Irish and Galician Responses”. University College Cork, 05/11/2019.

Cabarcos, María Jesús. “Approaching Animal and Non-Animal Nature in Postcolonial Literatures”. The Animal Trope: Irish and Galician Responses, University College Cork, Ireland. 05/11/2019.

Estévez Saá, Margarita. “Uses and Functions of Animals in Joyce’s Fiction”.  XXX Encuentros de la Asociación Española James Joyce, Universidad de Sevilla.

Estévez Saá, Margarita. “Sara Baume’s Cautionary Tales: ‘In the beginning, there was the goldfish’” Borders, Intersections and Identity in the Contemporary Short Story. USC, 2019.  

Estévez Saá, Margarita. “The Aesthetics of Eco-Caring. Sara Baume’s Storying Materiality and Creaturely Life”. 43rd AEDEAN CONFERENCE, Universidad de Alicante

Jiménez Aleixandre, María Pilar. “Women-eyed seals, cow-eyed goddesses: Animal identification in poetry on a human/non-human continuum”. The Epoch of Space. State and New Perspectives. USC, 2019.

Nogueira Pereira, María Xesús. Round table “Bo Beatus Ille ao Prestige. Creación, formación e reivindicación”. IV Xornadas de Lingua e Literatura Galega no Ensino. Novas correntes no ensino da literatura galega. Unha proposta de diálogo co ensino secundario.  Facultade de Filoloxía (USC) 22-23/11/2019

Nogueira Pereira, María Xesús. “A natureza agredida na poesía galega actual”. In A época do espazo. Estado e novas perspectivas, USC, 2019.

Nogueira Pereira, María Xesús. “Aves petroleadas. A violencia contra os animais na poesía do Prestige”. In The Animal Trope: Irish and Galician Responses. Irish Center of Galician Studies, University College Cork (Ireland), 05/11/2019.

Nogueira Pereira, María Xesús. Poétic@, de Fran Alonso. Una experiencia pionera en la literatura digital gallega. In Creative Industries Global Conference 2019. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Cátedra Iberoamericana Alejandro Roemmers de Industrias Culturales y Creativas, 2019.

Palacios González, Manuela. “A poesía galega en tradución ao inglés en Irlanda e Gran Bretaña: tecendo redes”. In “A internacionalización da literatura galega en tradución ao inglés: Novas oportunidades perante un mercado editorial británico-irlandés en apertura”. Consello de Cultura Galega, Santiago, 2019.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Relacións culturais entre Galicia e Irlanda: de onte a hoxe”. In “A Irlanda de Plácido Castro”, Fundación Plácido Castro. Vilagarcía, 2019.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Ecocriticism and Animal Studies. An Introduction”. In Lecture Series “New Trends in English Studies XV”, Univ. Coruña (UDC), 2019.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Human-Animal Relatedness in Sinéad Morrissey’s Poetry”. 18th International AEDEI Conference. Mallorca. 29th-31st May 2019.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Claire Keegan’s Anti-Pastoral Ethics in ‘The Parting Gift’ and ‘The Forester’s Daughter’”. “Borders, Intersections and Identity in the Contemporary Short Story in English”. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 23-24 May 2019.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Ecofictions between Galicia and Ireland”. “The Epoch of Space. State and New Perspectives”. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. 8-10 April 2019.

Rodríguez Fernández, Arancha. “When the Others Have Gone: An Approach to Love and Shame in Irish Women’s Poetry”. 18th International AEDEI Conference. Mallorca. 29th-31st May 2019.

Veiga, Martín. “Learning to Bark: Animals and Olga Novo’s Poetic Voice”. The Animal Trope: Irish and Galician Responses, University College Cork. 05/11/2019.


Acuña Trabazo, Ana & Olivia Rodríguez González. “Ecocrítica do movemento cultural arredor de Urbano Lugrís”. XII Congreso Internacional de Estudos Galegos. Novos horizontes para unha Galicia global. AIEG, Madrid. 10-15/09/2018.

Acuña Trabazo, Ana & María Xesús Nogueira. “Escrituras de tierra. Contribución de la literatura gallega al estudio de la historia agraria de la Galicia contemporánea”. Transiciones en la agricultura y la sociedad rural. Los desafíos globales de la historia rural. SEHA / RuralRePort. Santiago de Compostela. 06/2018.

Nogueira, María Xesús. “A poesía do Prestige. Unha aproximación desde a ecocrítica”. XII Congreso Internacional de Estudos Galegos. Novos horizontes para unha Galicia global. AIEG, Madrid. 10-15/09/2018.

Palacios González, Manuela. “The Whale: from Allegory to Ecology”. International Animal Studies Conference. Rethinking Animality 2018. Santiago de Compostela. 26-27-28/09/2018.

Palacios González, Manuela & Martín Veiga. “Migrant Words”. Languages Memory Conference. King’s College, London, UK. 13-13/06/2018.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Agonistic Ties with Nature in Sinéad Morrissey’s Poetry”. 10th Biennial NISN Conference. Irreconcilable Differences? Peace and Conflict in Irish Literature, Culture and Politics. University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway. 3-4/05/2018.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Eco-Fictions: Emergent Discourses on Women and Nature in Galicia and Ireland”. Galician Interdisciplinary Studies. University of Edinburgh, UK. 08/03/2018.


Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Achegas ao estudo interdisciplinar da relación xénero-traballo: Corpos, territorios e resistencias”, Universidade da Coruña, Conference “New Trends in English Studies XIII”, 26 November 2017

Alonso Alonso, María. Identidades en transición: representacións culturais da diaspora galega (Organization). University of St Andrews, 16-17/06/2017.

Alonso Alonso, María. “Spirits of the Everyday in Cyril Dabydeen’s Dark Swirl: eco-critical echoes from the Caribbean diaspora”. 2017CLACS. Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Newcastle University. 28/05/2017.

Cabarcos, María Jesús. “Tracing South African Indian Identity in Farida Karodia’s Other Secrets”. II Internacional Conference “The Discourse of Identity”. University of Santiago de Compostela. 08-09/06/2017.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “The Hungry Season. Emma Donoghue’s The Wonder”. Translocation: Pathways in Irish Studies. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS). University of A Coruña. 31/08-02/09/2017.

Jiménez Aleixandre, Marilar. “Inscribing Galician Landscapes”. Ecocritical Encounters: Women and Nature in Galician and Irish Cultural Production. University College Cork, Ireland. 03-04/052017.

Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús. “Ecocritical Encounters in the North: The Poetry of Mebh McGuckian”. Ecocritical Encounters: Women and Nature in Galician and Irish Cultural Production. University College Cork, Ireland. 3-4/05/2017.

Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús. “Ireland in the Novels by Elizabeth and Jane Purbeck: The Case of Honoria Sommerville”. Translocation: Pathways in Irish Studies. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS). University of A Coruña. 31/08-02/09/2017.

Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús. “To say things slant: Medbh McGuckian’s Discourse of Ecofeminist Identity”. II Internacional Conference “The Discourse of Identity”. University of Santiago de Compostela. 08-09/06/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Experimentación e videopoesía”. Eco-críticAs: palabras e imaxes. Eco-Fictions Project / AGC / University of Vigo, Pontevedra Campus. 09/11/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. Launch of the anthology Migrant Shores (Salmon Poetry 2017). Books Upstairs, Dublin. 19/10/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Animal Tropes of Female Empowerment in Contemporary Irish and Galician Poetry”. Translocation: Pathways in Irish Studies. European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS). University of A Coruña. 31/08-02/09/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Hemorraxias: Tropos dos corpos diaspóricos’”. Identities in Transition: Cultural Representations of the Galician Diaspora. Galicia and Beyond (Round table). University of St Andrews, Scotland. 16-17/06/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Eco-fictions: Emergent Discourses on Woman and Nature in Galicia and Ireland. FEM2015-66937-P”. II Internacional Conference “The Discourse of Identity”. University of Santiago de Compostela. 8-9/06/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Imaginarios urbanos de las poetas gallegas e irlandesas”. Representaciones del espacio hostil en la literatura y en las artes: imágenes y metáforas. Representaciones hostiles de la mujer en la ciudad (Round table). Complutense University of Madrid. 22-25/05/2017

Palacios González, Manuela. “The Course of Nature: Ecocritical Readings of Contemporary Irish and Galician Poetry’”. Ecocritical Encounters: Women and Nature in Galician and Irish Cultural Production. University College Cork, Ireland. 3-4/05/2017.

Palacios González, Manuela. “Ecocritical Theory’”. Ecocritical Encounters: Women and Nature in Galician and Irish Cultural Production. University College Cork, Ireland. 3-4/05/2017

Palacios González, Manuela. “Eavan Boland’s ‘The Achill Woman’”. XXVIII Encuentros de la Asociación Española James Joyce. University of A Coruña & University Institute of Reserach in Irish Studies ‘Amergin’. 21/05/2017.

Veiga, Martín. “Remote Places and Emblems of Entrapment in Luisa Castro’s Baleas e baleas. Ecocritical Encounters: Women and Nature in Galician and Irish Cultural Production. University College Cork. 03-04/05/2017.

Veiga, Martín. “Tránsito, representación e autorías dislocadas na cultura galega da diáspora”. Identities in Transition: Cultural Representations of the Galician Diaspora. University of St Andrews, 16-17/06/2017.


Acuña Trabazo, Ana. “Voces da infancia aniquilada”. Farewell rivers, Farewell springs… Loss and exile in the literature of region and nation. Association of The Literature of Region and Nation / Institute of Research in Irish Studies “Amergin”, University of A Coruña, A Coruña. 15-18/06/2016.

Acuña Trabazo, Ana & María Xesús Nogueira. “Eco-Fictions: Forthcoming Publications” (Round table). International Seminar Eco-Fictions. Research Group “Discourse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/2016.

Alonso Alonso, María. “Eco-fictions: Forthcoming Publications” (Round table). International Seminar Eco-Fictions. Research Group “Discourse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/ 2016.

Cabarcos, María Jesús. “Eco-Fictions: Forthcoming Publications” (Round table). Internacional Seminar “Eco-Fictions”. Research Group “Discourse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/ 2016.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “All the Things that Were Unsayable in Anne Enright’s The Green Road”. SOFEIR Conference. Dublin City University, Dublín. 10-12/03/2016.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Reading Joyce in the Twenty-First Century: A Review of Recent Criticism”. XXVII Encuentros de la Asociación Española James Joyce. University of Alicante, Alicante. 15/05/2016.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “The Loss of the ‘Irish’ Soul in the Literature of the Celtic Tiger”. Loss and Exile in the Literature of Region and Nation. International Conference. Region and Nation Literature Association / University Institute of Reserach in Irish Studies ‘Amergin’, University of A Coruña, A Coruña. 15-18/06/2016.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “The Ethics and Aesthetics of Eco-Caring in Alice Taylor’s Works”. International Seminar Eco-Fictions. Research Group “Discouse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/2016.

Estévez-Saá, Margarita. “Contemporary Irish Writers” (Round table). Irish Studies in Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, 8/6/2016.

Fogarty, Anne. “I felt water rushing in my brain: Women, Nature and the Post-Human in Contemporary Irish Fiction”. Internacional Seminar “Eco-Fictions”. Research Group “Discouse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/2016.

Jiménez Aleixandre, Marilar. “Cracks in the Earth’s Skin: Voices Holding up the Landscape”. International Seminar “Eco-Fictions”. Research Group “Discouse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/2016.

Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús. “Eco-fictions : Forthcoming Publications” (Round table). International Seminar Eco-Fictions. Research Group “Discourse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/2016.

Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús. “Irish Studies after Inventing Ireland”. Irish Studies in Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, 08/06/2016.

Palacios González, Manuela. “The Whale: Gender, Empowerment and Endangerment in Irish and Galician Literature”. International Seminar “Eco-Fictions”. Research Group “Discouse and Identity” (GRC2015/002GI-1924) / Research Project Eco-Ficcións (MINECO-FEDER FEM2015-66937) / Office for Gender Equality of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela. 15-12/2016.

Palacios González, Manuela. Response to MX Agra Romero’s conference “Do sexo e do xénero: epistemología e política”. Comparando os intraducíbeis. Research Group “Teoría da Literatura a Literatura Comparada”, USC. Santiago de Compostela. 14-15/11/2016.

Palacios González, Manuela, María Xesús Nogueira, Margarita Estévez-Saá & María Jesús Lorenzo-Modia. “Parallels between Contemporary Galician and Irish Migrant Diasporas”. 26th AEMI Conference. Association of European Migration Institutions / Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela. 28/09-01/10/2016.

Palacios González, Manuela  & María Xesús Nogueira. “Otherwhereness and Gender: Mary O’Malley’s Asylum Road and Marga do Val’s A cidade sen roupa ao sol”. Farewell rivers, Farewell springs… Loss and exile in the literature of region and nation. Association of The Literature of Region and Nation / Institute of Research in Irish Studies “Amergin”, University of A Coruña, A Coruña. 15-18/06/2016.

Veiga, Martín. “’Querida mamá: estou aprendendo a ladrar’: Language, Nature and Culture in Olga Novo’s Poetry”. Eco-Criticism in Times of Crisis: Nature, Capital and Culture in the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds. University of Leeds. 16-17/06/2016.

Veiga, Martín. “On Poetry and Belonging: Time, Place and Nature from Noia to Crosses Green”. International Seminar Eco-Fictions. University of Santiago de Compostela. 15/12/2016.